Back and Legs Workout

Back and Legs WorkoutTry our back and legs workout to improve strength, address imbalances, and enhance athleticism.

In watching the Olympics this week, you'll notice the diversity of body types or typical frame of competitors from one sport to the next. Even within a different sport, you may see some differences from one athlete to the next.

This week's workout can be performed with:

  • A pull-up bar
  • A weight belt
  • Additional weight (e.g. - weight plate, kettlebell, or weighted vest)
  • A barbell

Continue reading this article or skip ahead to the back and legs workout.

In training those of the general population, you may hear about correcting muscular and/or postural imbalances. However, in some sports, those imbalances, like anterior pelvic tilt, can provide the leverage that supports performance advantage, as in sprinting in track and field.

So long as not accompanied by pain or inhibiting performance, these may not be weaknesses to correct in elite athletes.

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For those of us not heading to Olympic competition any time soon, we might also have imbalances. Since the activities that make up our typical average days differ from those of elite athletes, and are likely to include less overall focus on muscular strength development, flexibility, and mobility training, we might not be as capable of compensating for these deficiencies. Because of this, these imbalances may be more disruptive to our comfortable existence, whether at work or at play or exercise.

2 areas of opportunity in addressing these weaknesses often lie in strengthening the muscles of the back and legs. This can be especially true as so many of us have developed weaknesses that occur, in part, because of how much time is spent sitting, whether that's in commute, at work, or enjoying a Netflix binge session.

With that in mind, this week's 15-minute workout focuses on a 2-exercise pairing, either as a component of a more comprehensive routine or as a standalone workout. Let's get started!


As detailed in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, by engaging in any physical activity or exercise program with Adelante Fitness, you acknowledge and agree that you have consulted with your medical professional and have obtained medical clearance to participate. The workouts and training programs shared on and in our newsletter contain only recommendations and are intended to be used for educational purposes only. Actual exercises, volumes, and intensities are undertaken at the user's sole discretion and are performed at the user's own risk. Adelante Fitness LLC makes no express or implied warranties regarding this content.

Here's Your Back and Legs Workout!

Back and Leg Muscles

Back and Legs Workout

2-Exercise Back and Legs Workout Combination

For this workout, you'll need a pull-up bar, weight belt and the additional weight of a plate or kettlebell (or weighted vest), a barbell, and a step. Here's the 2-exercise pairing:

  1. Weighted pull-up iso (20 second hold)
  2. Barbell (BB) reverse lunge to step up (10 reps total, 5 per leg)


Perform 6 rounds of this combination. Take zero rest between exercises, and 90 seconds of rest between rounds.

Exercise Cues

Weighted pull-up iso. Begin by securely attaching a weight belt with a weight plate or kettlebell, or by putting on a weighted vest if available. Next, use a step or bench to assist yourself into the top position of a pull-up, ensuring your chin is above the bar. Once in position, focus on retracting and depressing your shoulder blades, maintaining a strong, engaged core. Hold this position, keeping your shoulders down and back, for 20 seconds. Avoid letting the weight pull your body downward; stay strong and stable throughout the hold.

Barbell reverse lunge to step up. Start standing with both feet on the ground and a barbell positioned across your upper back, similar to a back squat setup. Step back into a reverse lunge, lowering your trailing knee towards the ground and allowing it to lightly touch if that range of motion is available. Instead of bringing your feet together in the starting position, push off the ground with your front leg and bring the trailing leg forward to step up onto a box or step. As you step up, make yourself as tall as possible, driving the knee of the trailing leg to hip height, and pausing briefly at the top for stability. Lower the elevated leg back to the ground and repeat the process. Complete all repetitions on one side before switching to the other. Perform 5 repetitions per leg.


This circuit can be performed anywhere within your routine - beginning, middle, or end, as part of a more extensive back and leg workout or as a standalone workout. Be sure to complete an appropriate warm-up prior to beginning this combination.


Pairing the weighted pull-up iso hold with the barbell reverse lunge to step-up creates a challenging and effective combo for building upper body strength and lower body strength and power. The pull-up iso hold emphasizes the retraction and depression of the shoulder blades, or pulling the shoulder blades back and down, which helps improve posture and develop strong, stable shoulders and upper back muscles. By targeting this often-neglected range of motion, you enhance your overall pull-up and pull-down performance, ensuring balanced muscle development and reducing the risk of injury.

The barbell reverse lunge to step-up works the lower body, specifically targeting the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. It also enhances single-leg stability and balance, benefiting everyday activities and athletic performance. The dynamic movement of stepping up and driving the knee to hip height engages the core and challenges your coordination, contributing to improved functional strength.

Performing these exercises in a circuit format, with zero rest between each and 90 seconds of rest between rounds, keeps your heart rate elevated and promotes cardiovascular fitness. This combination builds muscle and strength, and enhances muscular endurance and overall stability. By including both upper and lower body exercises, you achieve a balanced workout that supports comprehensive fitness goals and improves performance across various activities.

Questions or Stories

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This training program contains only recommendations and is intended to be used for educational purposes only. Actual exercises, volumes, and intensities are undertaken at the user's sole discretion and are performed at the user's own risk. Adelante Fitness LLC makes no express or implied warranties regarding this content.

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David Bohmiller

David Bohmiller, MBA, MS, CSCS, TSAC-F
Founder and Lead Trainer at Adelante Fitness LLC

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